Sunday 5th June, 2011
You have no idea how much I just wanted to rollover in bed this morning and go back to sleep. Instead I got up, Tony helped me fold some laundry, we cleaned up the kitchen benches and started to empty out the pantry.
Oh dear, you just don't realise what you have in there. Everything seems to get shoved to the back and when you look at it there is food stuffs in there with expiry dates dating back to 2004. We threw out bags and bags of food, half empty bottles of sauces, oils and packet jellies, puddings and such.
While doing that Tori and her friend Daniel, came over. Lucky they did, as they took a whole lot of food (not expired) home with them. I also found a box of glasses and so Daniel was quite happy to have them as he is sharing a house with a mate.
After they left we got back into it. From the pantry we moved to the cupboards. Seeing we had only done the cupboards about a year ago, I didn't think we would have much to throw out. How wrong was I! We got a box full of gear plus a garbag. Tori and Daniel left too
By the time we were finished Tony and I were both exhausted. As it was getting close close to dinner time we called it a day and spent the night relaxing, watching TV.
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