Thursday, October 21, 2010

To Cull Or Not To Cull

Thursday 21st October, 2010

This debate has raised it's ugly head again as to whether farmers on Kangaroo Island should be able to cull the Koalas.
The farmers say the Koalas are eating all the vegetation and in time there will be nothing left for them to live on.

My personal opinion is to let the farmers cull them.  I do not believe they will cull them out of existence.  Farmers are allowed to kill many pests that cause damage to their crops and or kill their stock such as rabbits, foxes, mice and kangaroos. 

Why should the Koala be any different?  Admittedly they are cute, but we should stop listening to the tourists who say we should leave them alone and let them be.   Most tourists only see them in Wildlife Parks anyway.

By the way.......they are NOT bears!!!  They are marsupials and eat eucalyptus leaves, but depending on their location within Australia, depends on what type of eucalyptus they eat.

Tony's Mum died on this day 24 years ago (1986).  She is lovingly remembered by us all.

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