Monday, November 1, 2010

Wanted!! An 8 Day Week

Monday 1st November, 2010

I need an extra day between Sunday and Monday just to get over the weekend and before I can face the coming

Had a good weekend with the girls.  Katie and Taylor were up at 6.30 am, so much for sleeping in.  Jodi picked Tanecia and Taylor up around 10.30am.  Katie decided she wanted to go to Bubbles Play Cafe in the afternoon so we spent a couple of hours there.

While there Tony got a call from work to say there was an alarm up and so on the way to dropping Katie off at Villi's Cafe, we had to call in there.  Katie ended up falling asleep in the back of the car, she was exhausted after having gotten up so early plus the running around at the Play Cafe.

We met Kahra and Darrin at Villi's Cafe and ended up having a bite to eat there with them.  Was so glad to get home and just chill.....I was sooo tired as well.

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