Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sorting, Sorting......Out You Go!

Tuesday 24th May, 2011

I have been having trouble trying to log in to Blogger again, hence no post yesterday.    My cleaning is going gang busters, I am up to the spare bedroom.  Yesterday I finished off the linen press and was surprised at how much I threw out.

Tonight when Tony came home he was utterly shocked with what I had taken out of the spare bedroom and that was only half the built-in.  "Where was it all put?" he asked.  This is the room Katie uses and so there was paper, books, toys, dolls, clothes and bags.  He could not believe where all of it had come from.  

I still have to sort out the bedside cupboards, the top of the built-in and one side of the built-in that has all my scrapbooking stuff.  I'm not looking forward to that.

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