Sunday, July 10, 2011

Time Just Flies By

Sunday 10th July, 2011

Where do the days go?  It doesn't seem like I last blogged on Tuesday.  It's not that I was busy and couldn't get to blog.  I just don't know where the time goes.

Nothing much happened Wednesday and Thursday.  Caught up on the ironing, did some housework and that was about all.  Have been watching the Tour de France and been loving it.

We have been watching the race each night, a couple of nights I watched it to the end.  Wish we didn't have such a big time difference.  The TV starts showing the race around 10.00pm and they are already halfway through the race when we get to see it.  It usually finishes somewhere between 12.30-1.30am.

On Friday I went and had my nails done and then into town, met Tony and we went and had some lunch.  It was then time to go and get Katie.

the latest fashion for nails.....crackle over the nail polish

On Saturday we went to Thorndon Park for a bar-b-que.   It was for Tori's birthday and she wanted it at the park.  It was soooo cold, drizzly rain but we went ahead and had it anyway.  At first we started off in the Rotunda but the wind just blew straight through, and so we then ventured into the Pavillion.  At least we were more sheltered from the wind and rain in there.

Jay, Tori's boyfriend.....Jodi was not impressed with his Tshirt

Jodi didn't end up making a knickers birthday cake.....she ended up doing a heart which was just as good.  Katie and Taylor had schemed to either come back to our place or to Jodi's.  Jodi said that if Kahra agreed she could go back there for a couple of hours.  I rang Kahra and it was OK with her.

So with no Katie, Rick and Dianne and us went and had coffee at a cafe.  It was nice to be able to sit in the warmth.  Jodi dropped Katie off around 7.30pm and stayed for awhile.   Taylor came and asked if she could go the movies with us on Sunday.  Hahahaha first thing I knew about going to any movie.

It was decided then that we would go to the movies and she could come with us.  I had earlier asked if she would like to go to Disney On Ice with us. I said she could sleep over as well.  She said yes she would love to and was excited about that.

Sunday morning I looked at the times for the movie and then I rang Jodi to let her know that we would pick Taylor up at 1 o'clock.

We decided to go to Arndale Cinemas and see "Mr Popper's Penguins".  We got the girls Subway for lunch and Tony and I had a sandwich each.  I bought the tickets and then we sat and had lunch.  The movie was great.  It was so funny, we had a good laugh, and the girls really enjoyed it.

When the movie finished it was time to take Katie to meet Kahra.  Dropped her off and then dropped Taylor off and came home.  Watched the final of Dancing with the Stars and then the Tour de France. 

From the Lens.................

a scene from Mr Popper's Penguins, starring Jim Carrey

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